Let’s End Family Violence
We envision that Cambodian families solve their everyday problems without violence, communicate in a peaceful way, and protect their children. We aim to break the circle of intergenerational violence, and build a resilient, self-confident and balanced new generation.
Our Causes
Popular Causes What You Should Know

Provide tailor-made ToT (training of trainers) to meet your need
We have longer expertise on Parenting and Family Budgeting educations.

Building Family’s Resilience of parenting without violence
We help parents to overcome daily challenges in child-rearing.

Family Counseling on Child Nurturing Care and Development
We support parents and caregivers to have positive solutions for their children.

Empower Community-based Resources on Positive Parenting
We closely work with CCWC (commune committee for women and children).

Design awareness campaign to change social norm on violence
Promote positive parenting practices through social media platform

“I think spending more time with my children and comforting them when they feel upset about things is the right thing to do.“
— A mother

“I give my child courage and tell them that they are doing great. Whenever kids hear this, they put more effort into their work later.“
— A father

“Because all my family members live in the same house, we do things together, talking, eating, guiding and solving problems. My family helps and teaches each other, and we have fun. My parents help me out with my homework, and I love it when they bought me clothes“
— A child aged 14-18

“ICS-SP training program had had an impact in my community, particularly in terms of reducing the use of violence in families and in the community. I would like to scale up the training as much as I can to other parents and caregivers in my community.”
— A community member
Parenting is a joyful, frustrating, exhilarating, exhausting journey.
The challenge is enormous – to take the hand of a brand-new human being and guide children toward adulthood, teaching them all they need to know to have a happy, successful life.
There are times in all parents’ lives when the challenge seems overwhelming. Sometimes we just don’t know what to do. Sometimes nothing we do seems to be right. And sometimes we are overcome by all of the other stresses in our lives.
Father’s engagement in positive parenting
Father-child relationships – be they positive, negative or lacking, at any stage in the life of the child, and in all cultural and ethnic communities – have profound and wide-ranging impacts on children that last a lifetime. High levels of father involvement are associated with positive outcomes for children including better physical and mental health, higher educational achievement and lower criminality and substance misuse. Furthermore, mothers who feel supported by their children‘s fathers suffer less parenting stress and parent more positively.
By 2022

Parents directly reached

Children benefited

Peer-to-Peer reached

Facilitators trained
Volunteering can be encouraged to give us some professional resources in areas such as fundraising, IT, social media, and communication materials development.